United States

Greg Williams

Greg Williams

Greg, is a master planner with a vision for connecting people to the terrain unlike anyone else of this generation. He founded the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, a non-profit organization dedicated to building sustainable recreation based communities in 2003. Since then they’ve built 92 miles of new trail, maintained over 1000 miles and now employ three dozen people – and there’no easy way to quantify how many people have enjoyed the trails and the follow-on economic benefits to the communities throughout the Lost Sierras.

Greg describes the area as, “a big empty space full of empty trails” but he wants to share those empty trails with more people in a way that is done so sustainably and provides a long-term benefit to the people who call the communities adjacent to this wilderness home. The SBTS’s vision is to take the model they’ve built to more communities throughout the region and connect them all with trails to create one of the largest interconnected trail networks in North America. It’s big picture thinking and the patience to sustain the efforts to realize such a dream that make Greg a champion.

Lieu de résidence



Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship

Our mission is building sustainable recreation-based communities through stewardship, job creation and world-class events.
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